Más paisaje que agua (More landscape than water)

Walks and workshop, Madrid, June 2024

As part of our research, we invited participants on walks from the Carabanchel neighborhood of Madrid to the river. During these walks we shared memories, discussed texts and exchanged opinions about the landscape. We also created an artistic intervention on a bench overlooking the river. These activities were conducted as part of the festival CRUZA Carabanchel.

In a subsequent workshop with members of the LetraLAB collective, we focused on the soundscape of Madrid RÌo, the urban park along the Manzanares River. Together we created an onomatopoeic intervention along the riverbanks.

Paseos y taller, Madrid, junio 2024

Como método de investigación caminamos juntos con participantes en el barrio Madrid Carabanchel hasta el río, intercambiamos recuerdos, textos y opiniones sobre el paisaje y dejamos una intervención artística en un banco con vistas al Parque Madrid Río. Los paseos formaban parte del programa del festival CRUZA Carabanchel.

En un taller posterior con participantes del colectivo LetraLAB, nos centramos en el paisaje sonoro del Parque Madrid Río. Juntos creamos una intervención onomatopéyica a las orillas del río Manzanares.

Una serie de proyectos de / A project series byYvonne Anders & Ina Weise en colaboración con / in collaboration with Cruza Carabanchel, LetraLAB, MEDIALAB MATADERO Madrid

Fotos: Pedro Carnicer, Ina Weise

This work was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.